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Friday, July 22, 2011

July 21st Meeting

Squares for Quilts of Valor
Carol Harting

Purses are shown by Nedra Sekera and Gail Chuckran

Purses were made by Linda Kimsey and Gail Chuckran

Quilt top made at retreat by
Nedra Sekera

Lillian Giaccome showing her blocks for
Quilts of Valor

Pat Putgrant and Linda Daughtry
quilts made by Salom Quilters of Atlanta
Survivor's of the Holocaust
living in Israel in
new assisted living facility

Another quilt to be sent to Israel

Michelle Harrison
showing the purses she made

Close up of purse show shibori technique

Linda Gorman and Pat Putgrant show
Linda's Quilt of Valor

Close up of Linda's quilt

Diane Head shows her quilt tops
for Quilts of Comfort

Another one from Diane
Another donation quilt top by Diane

And another donation quilt top by Diane

Diane Head's quilt top that she made for her
husband while she was at the retreat

Linda Daughtry with her
painted and quilted messenger bag